Volunteer Training: Grief Companioning


PCSBV Volunteer Training - Grief Companioning Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvdO2ppzMoHNLXuebGK748ifSaPE9SF3RV

Community Conversations: Living with Loss

The Canmore Miner's Union Hall 738 7 St, Canmore, AB, Canada

"This event provides the community with a unique opportunity for communal mourning of uncountable losses in the last year." Bill Harder, PCSBV You are welcome to join us for this…

Volunteer Training: Physical Issues and Supports

Microsoft Teams

Pilgrims Hospice Society – Modules 6/7: Volunteer Training Physical Issues and Supports Time: 1-2 PM Location: MS Teams Facilitator: Dinesh Witharana, Pilgrim’s Hospice Society Medical Director Email Volunteer Coordinator, Natalie…

Volunteer Training: Effective Listening


PCSBV Volunteer Training – Effective Listening Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kc-uopj8sEtLpLtymGrSYqzL_cMBywzP_

Volunteer Training: Case Studies


PCSBV Volunteer Training – Case Studies Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtcemgrj0oH93AXVTYwr9_o4hcKcGBWpNs

Volunteer Training: Virtual and Phone Supports


PCSBV Volunteer Training – Virtual and Phone Supports Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUode2hrD0oHdTNpJIdfFye9zhrifobkjWM

Volunteer Training: Module 8 Grief Companioning


9 AM - Noon Volunteer Training: Module 8 Grief Companioning Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sfuitqz8pHdPB3LtNICQ5u1nyioNxTcnq

Volunteer Training: Physical Issues and Supports

Microsoft Teams

Pilgrims Hospice Society – Modules 6/7: Volunteer Training Physical Issues and Supports Time: 1-2 PM Location: MS Teams Facilitator: Dinesh Witharana, Pilgrim’s Hospice Society Medical Director Email Volunteer Coordinator, Natalie…