
Golf for Hospice - 2024

Registration is now open for the Palliative Care Society of the Bow Valley's annual fundraising event! Funds raised through this event will support our mission to ensure that individuals and their families in the Bow Valley have access to palliative care close to home. 

You can register as an individual or create a team of friends, neighbours, family, or co-workers. Together, we will raise funds to ensure that every individual in the Bow Valley has easy access to compassionate high-quality programs and care throughout the palliative journey.

The Palliative Care Society of the Bow Valley is here for you!

Diagnosis of a life-changing illness can leave you and your loved ones feeling isolated, lonely, and afraid. Together we find a balance between understanding your diagnosis, nurturing your courage in the face of challenge and change, embracing your new normal, and preparing you to continue to live life for a long as possible-on your own terms.

We believe you, your family, and all Bow Valley residents have the right to compassionate palliative care, whether at home, hospice, hospital, or wherever you choose. Every day we share the path with those impacted by a life-changing illness, loss, and grief.

The palliative care journey is different for everyone. We create pathways to care, ensuring no one is left behind.

Wildfire Grief Support

Our thoughts are with all wildfire evacuees and for all those involved in emergency response to contain the fires and assist with the evacuations.

If you, or someone you know in the Bow Valley, is experiencing loss as a result of the ongoing wildfires and is looking for emotional support, PCSBV is here to help. Please contact our office directly at 403 707 7111 or info@pcsbv.ca to connect to a grief support session.

With generosity of sponsors, donors, and grant funding we can provide these sessions without a fee.

Wildfire Grief Support Post

Living With Loss Walking Group

The Living With Loss Group is a compassionate and welcoming space to connect to, learn from, and listen to others who are living with loss.

During these themed sessions it is common to enjoy discussions around remembrance, resilience, and reflection. This group is for you when you need it for as long as you need it.

Location: Canmore Recreation Centre - 1900 8th Avenue Canmore - Participants meet at the front desk

Time: From 4:30-5:30 pm

August 7 Living with Loss Today (2)

Changing the Dialogue - Elephant in the Room

At PCSBV, we actively encourage conversations about the diagnosis of a life-changing illness, the challenges of being a caregiver, dying and the impact of grief or loss.

We want to invite you into a conversation about the one thing we all truly have in common and how we might live our best lives when we are faced with the inevitable. We want to talk openly and freely, learning from cultures and beliefs where this is common practice. To talk about the 'big thing' in the room that lives larger for some than others is an important conversation. Join us in the discussion.