With generosity of sponsors, donors, and grant funding, PCSBV provides client services without a fee.

If you would like more information on  supports, programs, or client services please contact the PCSBV via email at or by calling 403-707-7111.


Please Note: PCSBV volunteers cannot provide personal care or physical assistance.

The essence of our work is providing comfort through conversation, presence, providing tools to address quality of life (navigation support), respite care for caregivers, and engaging / stimulating clients socially. You will need to provide the individual's name, phone number, email address, and reason for referral. All individuals must have consented interest in receiving PCSBV's support. Self referrals are also welcome.


Clients may be referred for support who:

  1. Have recently received a life-changing diagnosis
  2. Are in late-stage disease progression and are moving toward actively dying
  3. Have experienced a death loss and are impacted by grief


With client consent, please send client/family name, phone (home and cell) and email address to:

Hyo-jung Jwa - PCSBV Client Coordinator


Direct Phone: 403-707-8416

Office: 403-707-7111

Fax: 403-621-1825


Information for Health Care Professionals:

Referrals can be sent to PCSBV via fax to 403-621-1825.