Volunteer Training: Grief Companioning


PCSBV Volunteer Training - Grief Companioning Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvdO2ppzMoHNLXuebGK748ifSaPE9SF3RV

Community Conversations: Living with Loss

The Canmore Miner's Union Hall 738 7 St, Canmore, AB, Canada

"This event provides the community with a unique opportunity for communal mourning of uncountable losses in the last year." Bill Harder, PCSBV You are welcome to join us for this free community event. Please register by January 10 by calling 403 609 3743 or email fcssadmin@canmore.ca  

Volunteer Training: Physical Issues and Supports

Microsoft Teams

Pilgrims Hospice Society – Modules 6/7: Volunteer Training Physical Issues and Supports Time: 1-2 PM Location: MS Teams Facilitator: Dinesh Witharana, Pilgrim’s Hospice Society Medical Director Email Volunteer Coordinator, Natalie Caya, NatalieC@pilgrimshospice.com to register.

Volunteer Training: Effective Listening


PCSBV Volunteer Training – Effective Listening Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kc-uopj8sEtLpLtymGrSYqzL_cMBywzP_

Volunteer Training: Case Studies


PCSBV Volunteer Training – Case Studies Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtcemgrj0oH93AXVTYwr9_o4hcKcGBWpNs

Volunteer Training: Virtual and Phone Supports


PCSBV Volunteer Training – Virtual and Phone Supports Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUode2hrD0oHdTNpJIdfFye9zhrifobkjWM

Volunteer Training: Module 8 Grief Companioning


9 AM - Noon Volunteer Training: Module 8 Grief Companioning Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sfuitqz8pHdPB3LtNICQ5u1nyioNxTcnq

Volunteer Training: Physical Issues and Supports

Microsoft Teams

Pilgrims Hospice Society – Modules 6/7: Volunteer Training Physical Issues and Supports Time: 1-2 PM Location: MS Teams Facilitator: Dinesh Witharana, Pilgrim’s Hospice Society Medical Director Email Volunteer Coordinator, Natalie…