Volunteer Training: Module 5 Exploring Spirituality
Zoom1-3 PM Volunteer Training: Module 5 Exploring Spirituality Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqcuGhqTgvHtRI36WQlIOLF7HswVZYQEuu
Volunteer Training: Module 5 Exploring Spirituality
Zoom9:30-11:30 AM Volunteer Training: Module 5 Exploring Spirituality Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrdu6oqD8oH9BXFwjtd6w5E2ucNZZiHuBx
Volunteer Training: Physical Issues and Supports
Microsoft TeamsPilgrims Hospice Society – Modules 6/7: Volunteer Training Physical Issues and Supports Time: 1-2 PM Location: MS Teams Facilitator: Dinesh Witharana, Pilgrim’s Hospice Society Medical Director Email Volunteer Coordinator, Natalie Caya, NatalieC@pilgrimshospice.com to register.
Volunteer Training – Module 2 Effective Listening
ZoomDate: March 27 Time: 6-9 PM Location: Zoom Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYscuCorTIuEtIJjXHNXnM-5iS5ZwL6eymg
Volunteer Training: Module 8 Grief Companioning
Zoom6-9 PM Volunteer Training: Module 8 Grief Companioning Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kcuuurjwuH9B9KtS4xDstxxMYOAmmy9eF
Canmore Recreation Centre 1900 8 Avenue, Canmore, Alberta, CanadaThe Living With Loss Group is a compassionate and welcoming space to connect to, learn from, and listen to others who are living with loss. During these themed sessions it is common to enjoy discussions around remembrance, resilience, and reflection. This group is for you when you need it for as long as you need…
Volunteer Training: Module 5 Exploring Spirituality
Zoom9:30-11:30 AM Volunteer Training: Module 5 Exploring Spirituality Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkd-mpqj0sGtXIXeeQ2w5AkQft8uU50_F9
Canmore Recreation Centre 1900 8 Avenue, Canmore, Alberta, CanadaThe Living With Loss Group is a compassionate and welcoming space to connect to, learn from, and listen to others who are living with loss. During these themed sessions it is common to enjoy discussions around remembrance, resilience, and reflection. This group is for you when you need it for as long as you need…
Volunteer Training: Module 8-Grief Companioning
Zoom6.00-9.00 PM Volunteer Training: Module 8 Grief Companioning Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsdOihqDwuHdcf9OeasGtTToRq3VYxmqvv
Canmore Recreation Centre 1900 8 Avenue, Canmore, Alberta, CanadaThe Living With Loss Group is a compassionate and welcoming space to connect to, learn from, and listen to others who are living with loss. During these themed sessions it is common to enjoy discussions around remembrance, resilience, and reflection. This group is for you when you need it for as long as you need…
COMMUNITY EVENT: Hike for Hospice
Canmore Recreation Centre 1900 8 Avenue, Canmore, Alberta, CanadaJoin us in reaching our goal of $20,000. Every dollar is essential in helping us to meet the growing demand for our programs and services in the Bow Valley, and to bring the Centre for Palliative Care and Hospice to life. You can register for a fee of $25 as an individual or team and…
Volunteer Training: Module 5- Exploring Spirituality
Zoom6:30-8:30PM Volunteer Training: Module 5- Exploring Spirituality Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsf-6gqDoqHNO981Hw7ToIVwOqwXrBMpcA