Volunteer Training: Module 8 – Grief Companioning


6:30-8:30PM Volunteer Training: Module 8- Grief Companioning Facilitator: Bill Harder Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vdu6prjsuHN0W0snU671M9Mquu_YbA7Ca

Volunteer Training: Module 5 – Exploring Spirituality


9:30-11:00AM Volunteer Training: Module 5 - Exploring Spirituality Facilitator: Canon Dr. Richard LeSueur - (Former Interim Dean and lecturer, St. George’s College, Jerusalem) Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtdeGsrj4tH9KcSTci12eAFE_tBufPWeyz

Volunteer Training: Module 2 – Effective Listening


9:30-11:30AM Volunteer Training: Module 2- Effective Listening Facilitator: Bill Harder Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqc--orzgiHtzAaECMzMTxevbF9zNbkrWl

Community Conversation: Blue Monday

The Canmore Miner's Union Hall 738 7 St, Canmore, AB, Canada

Let’s come together to have an intentional conversation about a topic that’s often skirted around or avoided altogether - grief and loss. Community Conversations are an opportunity to practice communication…